Tooth Extractions and Root Canals

Tooth Extractions

We understand that having a tooth removed is not always the easiest process. However, in cases of severe damage or decay, tooth extraction is often the safest and most effective way to restore health to your teeth and gums.

At Birchmount Danforth Dental, our trained staff will design the most comfortable, safe and painless method to successfully perform a tooth extraction. Simple extractions will be performed using a local anaesthetic and, in more complex cases, our dentists may use general anaesthesia to complete the procedure. In all cases, our staff will take an X-ray of the affected area and develop the best extraction plan to meet your needs.

Root Canal & Crown Therapy

Root Canal & Crown Therapy (also known as Endodontic Therapy) is essential for removing tooth infection. The root canal is the hollow section of your tooth’s interior that contains the blood vessels and nerve tissue (known as the pulp). When these tissues become infected, it can lead to a number of problems such as dental pain, swelling and spread of infection.

When we perform Root Canal & Crown Therapy, one of our dentists will remove the pulp inside the infected tooth, clean and disinfect the root canals and administer a filling to close the space on the crown.