Crowns and Implants

Crowns & Bridges

While your teeth are designed to withstand a lot, we understand that tooth damage happens. Some of these damages may include fractures, chips, cracks, cavities, root canal treatments or worn-out fillings. We also know that tooth irregularities are common. Crowns and bridges are often the chosen solution to correct these issues.

Crowns are caps that we place over damaged teeth with a dental adhesive. Bridges are also an ideal choice for tooth gaps or multiple tooth loss -- we re-tailor existing teeth to support a newly added tooth. Both methods are designed to last a lifetime and will be crafted to suit your specific needs.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are another common alternative to bridges or dentures. They are comprised of an artificial root made of titanium metal, which is implanted into the jawbone to anchor a replacement tooth. They look, feel and work just like natural teeth!

We will determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. If you have healthy gums and sufficient bone in your jawline to support implantation, then dental implants might be the right choice for you. Our trained staff will take an X-ray of your head and jaw area and develop the best possible plan to meet your needs.