

General Cleaning

Our dental hygienists perform regular check-ups and cleaning for all of our patients. During this process, we complete a physical exam of your mouth to check your teeth and gums for any signs of gingivitis or other potential issues.


Teeth Whitening

At Danforth Dental, we promote self-confidence and the ability to make an awesome first impression -- which we know can be achieved with a healthy, white smile!


Extractions and Root Canals

At Danforth Dental, our trained staff will design the most comfortable, safe and painless method to successfully perform a tooth extraction.


Crowns and Implants

While your teeth are designed to withstand a lot, we understand that tooth damage happens. Some of these damages may include fractures, chips, cracks, cavities, root canal treatments or worn-out fillings.



Dentures are typically the most popular choice for filling in any gaps left from tooth extractions, missing and/or damaged teeth. Our denture fittings will ensure that you’ll be left with a radiant smile that is, of course, comfortable too!